Gerardo Menchaca Tax Id With Eid

San Antonio Immigration Lawyer

What is a Tax ID Number?

A Tax ID Number (TIN), also known as a Tax Payer Identification Number or an Employer Identification Number, is a US national identification number used to present tax returns and pay taxes. Both companies and individuals can obtain a Tax ID Number. This number is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

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    San Antonio Immigration Attorney

    Tax Id Resized

    Can an immigrant obtain a Tax ID Number?

    Yes, the IRS makes it possible for every person to pay taxes even without a Social Security Number and regardless of their immigration status. A Tax ID Number is an alternative to a Social Security Number for purposes of filing taxes in the US.

    What is a Tax ID Number used for?

    Many of our clients use the Tax ID Number to pay taxes, to hire workers in the US, to open bank accounts, and to buy big ticket items such as real estate and automobiles.

    For investor visa applicants, our immigration lawyers create US companies and apply for their Tax ID Number. Obtaining a Federal Tax ID Number once you have a Social Security Number is easy, but obtaining one for your US company before you have obtained a Social Security Number is something we can help with. Our immigration attorneys offer this service to those seeking US investor visas. To obtain a Tax ID Number, contact our office to speak to one of our immigration lawyers. Please call (210) 858-9681.

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